
第 12 屆 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 10

Women in IT field系列 第 10

Keep curiosity and learning habits

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Life has never been easy for all of us. Once we reached one mountain, there was another one. Is there a way to stop seeking higher value? For me, there is more I want to know, more I want to achieve.

Once one of my friends asked me about how I could work in the IT field this long and how I do to keep my curiosity and learning habits. I told her that to keep yourself as kids then you could do that. It comes from one of my elder sisters who told me that having fun and being playful are the ways to work in the IT field. Later in my career, I found that is true. Every time I feel tired, depressed, and disappointed, I try to look at things like kids; and, find myself back again or find the fun part.

One of my sisters loves to climb mountains. She told me that after a long walk and pain with the foot, you will feel enjoyment and happiness with the wind and view once you reach the top of the mountain. Sometimes I hope I can be like her to the top of mountains and deep down to the ocean. I love to watch the ocean and mountains; however, my body is not able to fully support me yet. Especially while we stay in front of the computer for a long time.

Recently at a conference, I heard a story to say that we continue to set up goals that to fail with. Only we keep it and try very hard to reach it, then one day you will be successful with it. Therefore, I set up a very simple goal for my life - have fun and enjoy it.

To be in the IT field, you have to be like a kid to play and learn. Then, you will never be tired.

Enjoy in IT
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